Monday, October 27, 2008

Opening the Internet Governance Debate in East Africa

October has been an interesting month on issues of Internet Governance. For the first time, the region, that is Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi are discussing issues around Internet Governance in preparation for a regional meeting and later a global forum for the same.

The issues around IG have been around for a while, but were probably prioritised after the second WSIS meeting in Tunis, Tunisia where the UN Secretary was mandated to form a forum for stakeholders to dialogue around issues around the way the internet is managed. This forum is currently non-policy making, however, alot of issues discussed in the forum find there way into global policies.

The region has not hard an opportunity to prepare and think issues through and identify issues that are important and common across East Africa. So having a regional meeting that aims to have a common position for East Africa, is to say the least exciting. Kenya held its National IG on the 14th of October, Tanzania followed with its version on the 22nd of October. Rwanda and Uganda are set to have their own on the 29th of October after which the issues identified will be collated and discussed at a regional meeting in Nairobi between 10-12 November. I Cant wait for this. 

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